Monday, February 9, 2009

Skin Deep

I came across this website where you can look up your products and see their toxic levels and whether or not they're tested on animals etc.

Since I wear (cake on!) makeup everyday I thought I'd check out what I was really putting on my face.
I am a huge MAC makeup fan and probably 90% of my large makeup collection is made up of MAC products so I was really hoping I wouldn't find out they're full of toxic sludge.
Some of the stuff scored a little higher on the hazard scale than I'd like but the big surprise was that my Cover Girl mascara was the bad product ... 9 out of 10 on the toxicity scale!
And to think I put that stuff right by my eyes daily. Yikes!

Look up your stuff here.


Baldwin Family said...

That site is so interesting. Thanks for sharing!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the heads up-I'll check it out.