In September we celebrated our five year anniversary (half a decade flew by way too fast!) with a weekend trip to Missoula, Montana. We went for a Pearl Jam concert but also checked out some of the local attractions.
Tired faces (6am flight = 3am wakeup)
Looking a little more awake post nap.
We were pretty excited about seeing bison at the National Bison Range.
Our first stop was looking at the map to figure out the best driving route to take. I was wearing flip flops and a little mouse ran right over my foot resulting in much screaming from me and hysterical laughter from Josh. With a start like that we should have known the outing wasn't going to go as planned.
We drove and drove and didn't see a single bison. I saw some brown dots far away on a hill and jokingly said to Josh "I bet those are the bison way over there in that fenced in area."
At the end of the drive we stopped by the visitors center and guess what? Two days a year the bison are rounded up for herd maintenance or something and we happened to come on one of the 2 days. Those "brown dots" I saw were the bison!
Luckily they had a stuffed bison at the visitors' center so we still got to see one. Not quite as good as seeing one in the wild but better than nothing I guess.
They had all these animal heads mounted to the wall and I thought the bison head was pretty cute. Josh's favorite was the guy next to the bison head.
They had this massive pile of antlers outside the visitors' center. I was scared to get too close in case I had another run in with a mouse.
After that I got a little lazy and didn't take many photos. Missoula is a really cool little town and I would love to live somewhere like that. Very eco conscious and dog friendly, with a beautiful river running through the downtown area.
Josh had to pose with this guy at the airport.
And then we flew off into the pretty sunset ...
In October I got really sick one day. I had a pain unlike any I'd ever experienced in my upper abdomen which was so bad I could barely breathe. Then I started vomiting. Oh the vomiting. That went on all night and I resisted going to the ER but was at Urgent Care as soon as they opened. The doctor insisted I had food poisoning, but I knew it was something else. I didn't feel well all week and finally went back to the doctor 5 days later and was sent for an ultrasound. Guess who was full of gallstones?? This girl. Over the next week I started to feel better so like a dummy I decided to postpone having surgery. My gallbladder behaved for a good month or so but then I started getting really sick again in December so I scheduled my surgery (which wasn't until January). The 2 weeks prior to surgery were so bad but I really wanted to hold out and have outpatient surgery vs going to ER during an attack, being admitted, and having to stay a couple of days. That pain is no joke though - I hope I don't have to go through anything like that again.
These are the little (big) troublemakers.
The dog-children turned a year older.
We would be lost without these two :-)
Since then life has been pretty quiet. We went to Philly in April for Josh's best friend's wedding but besides that we haven't done anything exciting. You'd think I would have more to report after 9 months of silence, huh?!
1 comment:
So great to see a new post-I was getting tired of seeing the Vegetable Garden everyday :) Thanks for updating...don't stop! More info on your house projects too please!!
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