The lavender is finally flowering. I wanted to plant english lavender but all I could find around here was the spanish variety.
It has grown on me though (ha ha), and I love how the flowers look like they have bunny ears (or is that just me?).
This is currently my favorite plant. I am generally not a fan of the color yellow but I like how it looks against green in gardens.
Of course at this point the dogs had to come see what I was doing and try get into the photo.
I have a feeling this plant isn't going to do well over the summer. The label said it was drought resistant but I've noticed that since the temperature has reached the 80s and the spring rain has stopped its looking a little raggedy. I can just imagine what it will look like when we start getting our 100 degree weather. Maybe it will surprise me though!
We put in three small, puny, tiny, little trees. Eventually they will provide privacy and shade in our full sun backyard but right now they are just stalks that aren't even the height of the fence! The portions of new growth are soft and the prettiest green so at least they have that going for them.
See those raggedy daisies? Pests are attacking those daisy bushes like there is no tomorrow! I like to use natural products in our garden but the downside is they aren't always as effective as the toxic stuff. The first product I tried didn't work at all so now I'm trying something else. Hopefully it works because this is not quite the look I was going for!
The peach babies are doing well - actually I think they are already the size they were at maturity last year so I think we'll get a good crop this year (I hope!).
I keep finding more twins I should have removed - oh well.
I will probably do a separate post about our tomato garden but for now here are a few pics.
I cant wait to pop the first tomato into my mouth - straight from the vine and warm from the sun.
I wanted to plant some purple coneflower this year but when I saw it priced at $12.99 per plant I changed my mind. I decided to try planting seeds and although they have taken ages to get going they are finally starting to resemble plants. I have no idea how they will do in our climate - hopefully well.
So that's what's going on in our backyard - it definitely looks prettier in these zoomed in shots!
This makes me excited for a new house and the chance to grow some things. I have high hopes for a small garden for next summer.
Everything looks great...a green thumb to go along with all your other talents. You are amazing!
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