I wanted to post some photos of our holiday decor because I love how cosy our house feels during the holidays. I don't do a single thing for Valentine's day, Easter, 4th of July etc (because I am too lazy) but I LOVE Christmas! Last year I bought some berry garlands on super sale after Christmas and I couldn't wait to use them this year!
I had enough to put them all the way up the stairway banister and I love the touch of red it brings to the room.

I secured the berry garlands with some black ribbon (left over from our wedding) and I love the little black bows almost as much as I love the berries on the other side.

I also got a little out of hand with the marked down glass ornaments after Christmas last year. There were way too many for the tree so I put a bunch into some cylinder vases for a festive centerpiece.
My friend, who is a mother of 3, came over the other day and as soon as she saw them she announced that it was so obvious no kids lived in our house! I guess she's right.

We got our tree from Costco last year and we weren't sure how well it would fluff up the second year. Well it looks just as good as last year - thank goodness - so hopefully we can get many years of use out of it.

I hosted an ornament exchange at the beginning of December and this the ornament I got for it.

I loved it so much I went out the next day and got one for myself!

The cats got personalized ornaments from pottery barn kids last year so of course this year I had to get Zeke his own. (I just re-read that sentence and I sound like a crazy pet-obsessed person.)

Don't ask me why there are 6 stockings when there are 2 humans and 3 pets living here - it just seemed like the right thing to do to use all the stocking holders.

It looks so cozy and festive! I love the bows and red on the stairs. I am a red fanatic lately. It looks great.
Its looks so beautiful. I just love the berry garland-it looks amazing and the black bows set it off perfectly. Everything looks so festive. The tree is gorgeous. Thanks for making Christmas so special for Josh. We'll miss you both so much!!!
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