I would grow my own flowers but I have a black thumb so it would be a waste of time.
Well I've been lucky this week!
Check out these daffodils I got at Trader Joes for $1.30 for a bunch of 10:

What a steal!
Also, we have these crazy, untamed rose bushes in our back yard that we’ve been trying to kill off because you risk your life every time you walk past them. So far we’ve cut about half of them down but the remaining ones are starting to flower. The roses are huge and so fragrant!

I love spring!
If it ever quits snowing here we are going to plant some flowers. We use steer manure for soil so as long as they are watered they do really well (and the watering is on a timer). I don't have to do much. Those daffodils were a steal. I wish it felt like spring here....
Its still snowing there??? That's crazy!!
Does steer manure smell like, you know, manure? I saw it at Lowes and was intrigued but didnt get it incase it smelled wretched.
Those flowers are gorgeous! I am in the mood to garden. Too bad I can't seem to get it together with the kids running around crazy. We're working on it. I wish we could grow roses here!
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