The last 2 years our Christmas card featured our pets so we figured we might as well continue the tradition and put Zeke and Zoey front and center this year.
Now that our cards have made it to England I can post some funny (maybe only to me and Josh?) outtakes and the photo I loved but didn't use because I couldn't get it to fit the card layout.
This is the card we sent out:

I did the layout in PS Elements and then had them printed on cardstock at Kinko's. When the girl helping me saw the card she said "oh how cute - their names are Merry and Bright". I wish I could have seen the look on my face because, really, that was such an odd thing to say!
These poor dogs have been pestered by me and my camera since they were puppies so they're getting pretty good at posing for photos. We thought having them in front of the tree would be cute so I set up our storage ottoman with a piece of faux fur thrown over it. For the sweaters I actually dug out my knitting needles after not knitting a single thing for 5 years because I couldn't justify spending money on dog sweaters that would be worn once. Luckily all the imperfections in my knitting didn't show in the photo :-)
This test photo had us in hysterics - could Zeke look any more demoralized?

As usual, Zoey wasn't quite as cooperative as her brother ...

... licking her lips ...

... and trying to bolt ...
This was the photo I really, really loved but didn't use. I just adore those sweet faces.

And then when it was all over it was nap time.