This is the light the room started with. Fine but blah.
Originally I wanted a small chandelier to add some pizazz to the space but when the cheapest one I could find cost $50 I changed my mind. I know $50 isn't a fortune but its too much to spend on a light fixture for a tiny laundry room.
When we replaced the living room light I saved it 'just in case'. You know, because we might need a dated, shiny brass light fixture one day!
It had paint all over it because we painted the room before removing it.
I took it apart and figured out which parts I wanted to reuse. That glass 'cage' had to go.
Next I taped off the parts that I didn't want to paint and spray painted the whole thing white. Getting rid of the brass made a huge difference!
It looked a little skimpy so I added a large white drum shade and voila ...
I really like it! The best part is that the only thing I had to buy was the drum shade so this project cost a total of $12.99 plus tax. Not bad at all.