I'm a little late on the new year post but as they say, better late than never :-)
Its hard to believe its the end of yet another decade, and what a decade it was!
This past decade I:
- Graduated college
- Had my heart broken so badly I thought it would never heal (it did)
- Had my last boyfriend (now my husband)
- Was boring and kept my hair long the entire time
- Got engaged, then got married
- Bought my (our) first home
- Gained a lot of weight on prednisone (and didnt lose any of it)
- Got my first pets: 2 cats and a dog (I'm not counting the ones I had when I lived with my parents because I
wasn't totally responsible for them)
- Had 3 post college jobs and so far
haven't loved any of them
- Bought too many black shirts
- Wore too much black
- Got into and then out of credit card debt
I learned a lot about myself and grew a lot.
I have given up on new year's resolutions because they never seem to last but I do have a few goals this year: I want to simplify my life, and use my time more productively.
Here's to a wonderful 2010!