Friday, May 29, 2009
I'm probably getting a little ahead of myself but I am so excited about what I saw on my tomato plant today! As I've mentioned before I have a history of being a black thumbed plant killer but I am determined to grow tomatoes this year. I have 3 tomato plants growing in pots: 2 brandywine heirlooms (my favorite!) and 1 cherry and I've been getting frustrated because they keep growing flowers which just shrivel and up and die ... with no sign of fruit. Well this morning I spied a teeny little tomato (and an even teenier one next to it) on the cherry tomato plant - I was so excited I started yelling and ran inside to get Josh. He was kind enough to act excited too :-)
Based on this development I think I can say my thumb is now brown and heading towards dark green! :-)

More painting
On Monday when everyone in our neighborhood was barbecuing in their back yards we thought it would be more fun to start painting our living room. I've been wanting to do it for months but we've been putting it off because of the high ceilings. We didn't make a whole lot of progress but it feels good to have started.
Fruit glorious fruit
We are lucky to live about 10 minutes from a bunch of fruit orchards so last weekend we headed over to pick some cherries and peaches.

On the walk over to the peach trees we passed this huge field - I'm no expert but they looked like cherry tomato plants. Unfortunately there were no tomatoes yet (assuming that's what they're growing).
You cant really tell from this photo but the cherries were literally dripping off the trees.

I had to resist the urge to grab handfuls and stuff them into my mouth - don't they look delicious?!

It was a good day :-)
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Powder Room
Oh happy day - the powder room is done! For being a tiny room it certainly was a lot of work!
I decided to move the towel bar location from behind the door, where it was cramped and prevented the door from opening completely, to above the toilet. The replaced toilet roll holder also got moved from the side of the vanity to the wall.
Light fixture I found at Lowe's
Snazzy faucet I got an amazing deal on at Costco
Close up of the refinished vanity.
As a refresher here is the powder room pre-makeover:
And here it is after we took it apart:

The toilet got to stay and I decided to keep the vanity base because it was in decent shape and I thought I could refinish it and save some money. Well let me just say that next time we tackle a bathroom I'm going to check out the prices of new ones because maybe spending a little money will be worth it if it saves me some headaches.
Anyway, on to the pictures! (I wish I could have got the whole room in the pic but its so small I couldn't make it work.)

Sure it looks good now but these are the steps I had to take: sand off old varnish, prime, paint 2 coats, sand and touch up a few spots, polyurethane, wait a hundred years for the polyurethane to dry, install new hardware. Then after all that the 'standard size' vanity top we bought didn't really fit - apparently our vanity base wasn't quite standard size. We made it work though - just don't look too closely if you come visit :-)
It was a fun project and to complete it I had to learn some new skills. Now I know how to:
*patch drywall
*touch up texture on walls
*refinish a vanity
*patch drywall
*touch up texture on walls
*refinish a vanity
*replace a vanity top
*replace a faucet
*replace a faucet
Oh and the best part is that we stuck to a strict budget and I hunted down deals where I could so we ended up spending just under $350 to buy everything - that makes me love it even more!
Friday, May 15, 2009
Our dear little Zeke was neutered yesterday.
I feel slightly guilty posting this picture of him because he looks so demoralized but its just too cute not to share.
He was so out of it he didn't even bother to pester the cats.
He's feeling much better today and is looking more like his usual, perky self.
Hopefully he will stop trying to hump Josh's leg now :-)
(... luckily he never had much interest in mine)
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Kitchen - a work in progress
Our kitchen is at the other end of the long family room / dining nook room. We still have a lot to do to get it looking exactly how we want it. Our goal for all projects around the house is to pay for them as we go – we don’t want to charge anything. Kitchen overhauls are pricey so this is going to be a looooong term project!
This is the kitchen the day we moved in:
*Counter tops (they’re in good condition but just not really our style - not to mention the grout is a total pain to clean)
Things we love:
*The room gets a good amount of light
*The sink in the corner in front of the 2 windows
*The island
*Lots of cabinet space
First we painted the walls and ceiling "Antique White" (the same as the rest of the room), and replaced the blinds. The paint color really helped to tone down the yellow-ness. Yay!
Then we replaced the microwave and stove.
This weekend we got rid of the fluorescent light and installed a gorgeous pendant. We had to hire an electrician to move the light outlet (or whatever its called) because the wires for the fluorescent light came out of the ceiling right by the stove - which would be a really odd spot to have the new pendant. This is what the ceiling looked like after he left - yikes!

I figured out how to patch dry wall and reapply wall texture and now it looks like this:
This is the kitchen the day we moved in:
Things we were less than excited about:
*Boring 'builder basic' cabinetry with peeling finish*Counter tops (they’re in good condition but just not really our style - not to mention the grout is a total pain to clean)
*Appliances in less-than-optimal condition (oven cooked hot and burned food half the time, microwave fan didn't work, dishwasher has broken off rusted prongs)
*Fluorescent lighting
Things we love:
*The room gets a good amount of light
*The sink in the corner in front of the 2 windows
*The island
*Lots of cabinet space
First we painted the walls and ceiling "Antique White" (the same as the rest of the room), and replaced the blinds. The paint color really helped to tone down the yellow-ness. Yay!
Then we replaced the microwave and stove.
This weekend we got rid of the fluorescent light and installed a gorgeous pendant. We had to hire an electrician to move the light outlet (or whatever its called) because the wires for the fluorescent light came out of the ceiling right by the stove - which would be a really odd spot to have the new pendant. This is what the ceiling looked like after he left - yikes!

I figured out how to patch dry wall and reapply wall texture and now it looks like this:
Next I plan to paint the cabinets and add hardware. I'm excited but also dreading it because I know its going to be a LOT of work!
Monday, May 4, 2009
Half Birthday
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Making a Mess
We are currently tackling a project that exceeds our skill level.
Here is the powder room at the beginning of the weekend:
Hopefully we can patch things up and get it put back together!
BTW ... What is this room typically called? I've heard bathroom, half bathroom, and powder room. No one around here calls them powder rooms but I like the name so that's what I'm going with for now.
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